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Congratulations to our 2018 Outstanding Appalachian Woman!

Congratulations to our 2018 Outstanding Appalachian Woman, Leslie Bledsoe. Leslie was chosen as our Outstanding Appalachian Woman this year because of her phenomenal love of people. Leslie made two trips to Florida and one to Texas this year to provide food and clothing to hurricane victims as a part of her "With Love from Harlan" project. She has placed blessing boxes throughout Harlan County to provide food items and necessities to those in need. Leslie also founded the "Love it, Don't Litter it" campaign in Harlan County to clean up the county and discourage littering. Leslie's latest project is a mural painted on the old Jones Motors building titled "Hope Grows Here" depicting hope through handprints of various community citizens, service providers, and children. Leslie is always going above and beyond to show her love to her fellow people and make our community and the world a better place.

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