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Some Warning Signs of a Domestic Violence Relationship can be:

  • Embarrassing you with bad names and put-downs

  • Looks at you or acts in ways that scare you

  • Controls what you do, who you see or talk to, or where you go

  • Stops you from seeing or talking to friends or family

  • Takes your money or Social Security, makes you ask for money, or refuses to give you money

  • Make all the decisions

  • Tells you you're a bad parent or threatens to take away or hurt your children

  • Acts like the abuse is no big deal, it's your fault, or even denies doing it

  • Destroys your property or threaten to kill your pets

  • Intimidates you with guns, knives, or other weapons

  • Shoves you, slaps you or hits you

  • Forces you to drop charges

  • Threatens to commit suicide

  • Threatens to kill you

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© 2016 Harlan County Domestic Violence Council

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